New Client Session
A new client session is required for all new BN clients purchasing outside of a test package. Plan for 60 minutes.
Refund/cancelation policy: If you request a refund prior to sending in your hair sample, there will be a non-refundable $100 administrative fee deducted from your refund. No refunds will be issued once your test sample(s) is mailed into the lab or 30 days after checkout. There are no returns on consultation time, GI Map test kits (stool) or Fatty Acid Test kits.
The following testing can be added on to create your own custom package on the bottom of the checkout page. Same results are as follows:
- Find Hair Analysis sample results here.
- Find Omega Fatty Acid sample results here.
- Find GI Map sample results here.
If you're looking for a program instead that includes all testing, regular consultation and follow-up, consider the following options:
What Clients Are Saying:

"For 16 years, I had wasted much time and money, seeing medical and then holistic doctors, taking thousands of dollars in supplements that I thought would make me feel better, following one diet after another and spent a lot of money on foods I thought would heal me but all in all I only continued to spiral down, until I hit rock bottom. With a list of symptoms longer than my arm, I was ready to give up on life. I had a lot of information from all my doctor visits and from all I researched, but still until I met Catherine, I was a ship lost at sea with no hope. Catherine became the rudder to my boat and helped steer me to safe harbor. During my first conversation with Catherine, (when I was inquiring about her services) I still wasn't sure if I wanted to join her program, but all the articles she had written on her website felt as though they were written about me and all of my health ailments, so I decided to give her a try. Today, I will tell you I am forever grateful and blessed that God lead me to her. Her VIP testing and consultation fees may seem high, but it's money well spent. For what she gives you, the price is actually very reasonable. Remember you are investing in your health and nothing else in life matters without good health. If you cannot afford the VIP package like I did, then start with one test to get started, then add the next as you can afford to. She is much better and different than any of the past nutritionists I have consulted with. She is not a nutritionist but a nutritional therapist which is a big difference and it shows in everything she does. Catherine does not give medical advice, but she is an incredible listener and never forgets all of my many health concerns in our discussions. As for the process, the program of videos along with consultation calls, testing review and unlimited email access is an incredible easy and thorough program. The test were all painless and easy. She is the "real deal", she does what she says she will do, a woman of integrity, I trust her wholeheartedly. She has changed my life for the better, and honestly the steps she gave me to make the changes, have been a "piece of cake". I can't thank her enough. I truly have been reborn both physically and mentally. Thank you Catherine!" (Linda, 3 month program client)

“I was on Catherine’s mailing list for a while before taking the plunge. I wish I had done it a while ago. I’d say if you’re thinking about it, do it. Catherine talks to you to find out where you are and what you want. Then she uses the data to see what is going on with you and helps you work out what to do to make things better. There is no one pill that you can take, but she shows you that through diet (and perhaps some supplements) and understanding something about what’s going on with your body, you can improve different aspects. I learned so many things from my consultation! I did the hair, blood (fatty acids) and GI mapping (stool) testing and I loved how Catherine went through all of the tests at the same time and then the plan. I was able to see how all the parts went together and what I could do to help various areas using mainly food with a little supplement assistance. It was a lot to take in, but Catherine really broke it down. I didn’t really know what to expect from the consultation, but I was delighted with how it went. Catherine really took her time going through the different parts and then her recommendations for me. She answered all my questions as we went along and made sure I understood. She was very positive and friendly. The most important thing people should know is that Catherine really cares about the people she works with. You can tell – that is not something you can fake. She takes her time going through everything and answers all your questions patiently. She also regularly checks to see if you understand/have question. Most importantly, the plan is completely personal to you based on your data and what you have told her in your consultation and survey.” (Marie, Hair Analysis, Omega Fatty Acid Testing and GI Map Client)

“I am so grateful to have found Catherine! The process is so quick/easy and Catherine takes her time explaining everything step by step. She truly cares about the well-being of her clients. Catherine does an excellent job of explaining the process, going over results of tests and follow-ups.” (Misty, Wealthy Metabolism eCourse, Omega Fatty Acid Testing and Hair Analysis Client)

"Working with Catherine is a like a breath of fresh air. I received honest feedback without judgement. Her approach is one of getting to the bottom of why something is 'off' with my body, analyzing the results of testing and applying her wealth of knowledge to provide me with doable action steps. She goes beyond the typical solution of relying only on a pharmaceutical or a supplement to understanding what's happening in my body and then deciding on a plan. Catherine explains the whole process thoroughly during the free consultation. Her training material is very informative and helpful. Even through phone meetings Catherine really seems like she cares about me and about helping me to get better. Don't hesitate, schedule a consultation today!" (Ann, Hair Analysis + Blood Labs Client)

“Hair analysis is easy and very interesting. I learned proper eating to make up for my deficiencies per the hair analysis. Catherine is amazing. Super knowledgeable about balancing your body and a pleasure to talk to. She can explain things that would normally make no sense to most people, like the charts, in a clear and pleasant manner.” (Lee, Hair Analysis Client)

“There is hope to feeling better! I have done everything out there to improve my health, but it has never gotten to where I feel it should be. I had a feeling it was my food choices, even though I was eating a healthy diet. It just wasn’t what my body was actually needing! What you put in is what you get out of your body. There are no quick fixes to anything, but with the right nourishment, you can set your body up for the best outcome. Catherine explains your results in a way that is easy to understand and that makes sense! Everything is super personalized which is what I appreciate most! I have been implementing her recommendations for about a week and already feel more energy. I feel like changes are happening within my body, and I’m hopeful! I learned that healthy foods I thought were good for me weren’t really what my body was asking for! I learned what foods I should be eating for my body at this time, and I feel better for it!” (Emily, Hair Analysis Client)

“I learned how to correct my deficiencies, and how to interpret the most important parts of my results. It was great to get a tailored recommendation, rather than guessing as I’ve done so much in the past. I love the website, and it has a ton of info and really helped me to understand how she operates. So I would recommend anyone to check out her website! I also contacted Catherine with questions before I bought the test, and she kindly responded in a prompt manner. I’m super happy and can’t wait to see what will change for me. I feel like Catherine really cares about her clients, and she was very generous with her time. I also like that she is not dogmatic about what people should/shouldn’t do. She gives you recommendations and then you can pick how quickly they want to make positive changes to your health.” (Lillian, Hair Analysis Client)

“I am extremely satisfied with my hair analysis consultation. I learned about the variety of minerals and relationships between them, and between them and wellness. Catherine’s the real deal — professional, personable, knowledgeable. Best thing is she isn’t about a “hook” — her philosophy is to help and disengage –being there for support if needed or wanted. As I mentioned above — Catherine is not about a revenue stream, but about truly helping. Her approach and philosophy results in confidence in you and her ability to help with my wellness journey.” (Matt, Hair Analysis Client)

“The Hair Analysis process is simple and easy to complete. I learned what nutrients I was lacking and how to raise the levels by using real food and not more pills. Catherine reviews the results and give practical solutions through food to correct your balances. Catherine is knowledgeable, thorough and communicates very well. EVEN when you are not sure what you are talking about. She weeds through all the information from your results and focuses on your needs.“ (Jean, Hair Analysis Client)

“I found out some things about nutrition that I NEVER knew. I know it will help me feel better and ultimately that is what I wanted out of this process! I would highly recommend it! If you have been following Catherine for a while, you surely understand her philosophy on nutrition, and she is extremely smart, helpful and really knows what the hair analysis shows. Catherine is genuine and takes the time needed to help you understand.” (Bella, Hair Analysis Client)

“This process is, in a word, empowering. Knowing what’s going on in my body is helping me piece together a large medical and mental health puzzle with help from my medical team. Catherine’s knowledge is extensive, and her personable and positive manner helped me feel a greater sense of agency and optimism about my concerns. Beyond learning about the current mineral balance in my body, I learned a great deal from Catherine about how minerals interact to produce specific outcomes in the body and how simple, straight-forward adjustments to my diet and lifestyle could significantly reduce challenging medical and mental health symptoms. It is clear that Catherine is both a passionate nutritional therapist and a person of great integrity.” (Kelsey, Hair Analysis Client)

“Catherine is extremely thorough, friendly, and knowledgeable. She really took the time to look at my diet and lifestyle to make sure she had the entire picture before making any recommendations. You will get an excellent picture of what deficiencies exist in your diet and very simple solutions that can be fixed with food rather than supplements. I learned so much and thought it was worth every penny. I plan do to a follow up as well as get my family tested.” (Nicole, Hair Analysis Client)

"Catherine nailed my issues right on and had great suggestions for me! She gave lots of advice for my diet and some supplements to take. Just do it you will not be disappointed - the hair sample and survey are all worth it! Catherine is great and cares a lot for her clients! She is caring and responsive and got back to me in a timely manner. Catherine had so many great answers for my issues that made so much sense. She also listened to me and did not make me feel I needed to hurry during our consultation." (Anonymous, Hair Analysis Client)
Please note: If you request a refund prior to sending in your hair sample, there will be a non-refundable $100 administrative fee deducted from your refund. No refunds will be issued once your hair sample is sent in to the lab for analysis or 30 days after checkout.
Have a question? Find frequently asked questions here or view sample results here. Looking for more support than a test and single consult? Apply for a 6 week, 3 month or 5 month program with comprehensive support, education and testing.
Hair Analysis Includes:
What Clients Are Saying

"For 16 years, I had wasted much time and money, seeing medical and then holistic doctors, taking thousands of dollars in supplements that I thought would make me feel better, following one diet after another and spent a lot of money on foods I thought would heal me but all in all I only continued to spiral down, until I hit rock bottom. With a list of symptoms longer than my arm, I was ready to give up on life. I had a lot of information from all my doctor visits and from all I researched, but still until I met Catherine, I was a ship lost at sea with no hope. Catherine became the rudder to my boat and helped steer me to safe harbor. During my first conversation with Catherine, (when I was inquiring about her services) I still wasn't sure if I wanted to join her program, but all the articles she had written on her website felt as though they were written about me and all of my health ailments, so I decided to give her a try. Today, I will tell you I am forever grateful and blessed that God lead me to her. Her VIP testing and consultation fees may seem high, but it's money well spent. For what she gives you, the price is actually very reasonable. Remember you are investing in your health and nothing else in life matters without good health. If you cannot afford the VIP package like I did, then start with one test to get started, then add the next as you can afford to. She is much better and different than any of the past nutritionists I have consulted with. She is not a nutritionist but a nutritional therapist which is a big difference and it shows in everything she does. Catherine does not give medical advice, but she is an incredible listener and never forgets all of my many health concerns in our discussions. As for the process, the program of videos along with consultation calls, testing review and unlimited email access is an incredible easy and thorough program. The test were all painless and easy. She is the "real deal", she does what she says she will do, a woman of integrity, I trust her wholeheartedly. She has changed my life for the better, and honestly the steps she gave me to make the changes, have been a "piece of cake". I can't thank her enough. I truly have been reborn both physically and mentally. Thank you Catherine! (Linda, 3 month program client)

“Catherine covered everything — the test was very thorough. I learned my mineral deficiencies and excesses, plus a lot of other new things about myself and useful information. Catherine alleviated any concerns I had as well.” (Sara, Hair Analysis Client)

"I am very satisfied with my hair analysis purchase. The hair analysis and Catherine’s views based on the questionnaire were very helpful, really a wealth of information. I found answers to long-lasting issues I have." (Onsel, Hair Analysis Client)

"Working with Catherine is a like a breath of fresh air. I received honest feedback without judgement. Her approach is one of getting to the bottom of why something is 'off' with my body, analyzing the results of testing and applying her wealth of knowledge to provide me with doable action steps. She goes beyond the typical solution of relying only on a pharmaceutical or a supplement to understanding what's happening in my body and then deciding on a plan. Catherine explains the whole process thoroughly during the free consultation. Her training material is very informative and helpful. Even through phone meetings Catherine really seems like she cares about me and about helping me to get better. Don't hesitate, schedule a consultation today!" (Ann, Hair Analysis + Blood Labs Client)

"It was great working with Catherine as she fully understands what it's like to go through health problems. She is very clear and thorough on what needs to be done according to the Hair Analysis results to bring the body back to health and will also answer any questions or concerns you may have about the program. I learned what my hair analysis results mean (mineral deficiencies/toxicities important ratios for body functions) and what supplements to take/food to eat on a daily basis to achieve optimal health. Health is not a quick fix process and Hair Analysis shouldn't be seen as a diagnostic tool as it takes time and effort to bring the body back to homeostasis. It will be worth it." (Naomi, Hair Analysis Client)

“Hair Analysis is simple to do, very informative, and Catherine is great and easy to work with. I learned what I was lacking in dietarily as well as supplements I was taking that I did not need and were raising some of my mineral levels.” (Anastacia, Hair Analysis Client)

“I found out some things about nutrition that I NEVER knew. I know it will help me feel better and ultimately that is what I wanted out of this process! I would highly recommend it! If you have been following Catherine for a while, you surely understand her philosophy on nutrition, and she is extremely smart, helpful and really knows what the hair analysis shows. Catherine is genuine and takes the time needed to help you understand.” (Bella, Hair Analysis Client)

“The Hair Analysis process is simple and easy to complete. I learned what nutrients I was lacking and how to raise the levels by using real food and not more pills. Catherine reviews the results and give practical solutions through food to correct your balances. Catherine is knowledgeable, thorough and communicates very well. EVEN when you are not sure what you are talking about. She weeds through all the information from your results and focuses on your needs.“ (Jean, Hair Analysis Client)

"Hair analysis is easy and very interesting. I learned proper eating to make up for my deficiencies per the hair analysis. Catherine is amazing. Super knowledgeable about balancing your body and a pleasure to talk to. She can explain things that would normally make no sense to most people, like the charts, in a clear and pleasant manner." (Lee, Hair Analysis Client)

“I am extremely satisfied with my hair analysis consultation. I learned about the variety of minerals and relationships between them, and between them and wellness. Catherine’s the real deal — professional, personable, knowledgeable. Best thing is she isn’t about a “hook” — her philosophy is to help and disengage –being there for support if needed or wanted. As I mentioned above — Catherine is not about a revenue stream, but about truly helping. Her approach and philosophy results in confidence in you and her ability to help with my wellness journey.” (Matt, Hair Analysis Client)

“This process is, in a word, empowering. Knowing what’s going on in my body is helping me piece together a large medical and mental health puzzle with help from my medical team. Catherine’s knowledge is extensive, and her personable and positive manner helped me feel a greater sense of agency and optimism about my concerns. Beyond learning about the current mineral balance in my body, I learned a great deal from Catherine about how minerals interact to produce specific outcomes in the body and how simple, straight-forward adjustments to my diet and lifestyle could significantly reduce challenging medical and mental health symptoms. It is clear that Catherine is both a passionate nutritional therapist and a person of great integrity.” (Kelsey, Hair Analysis Client)

“I feel enlightened. I was worried that changing my nutrition would be very difficult, but Catherine made me feel comfortable and encouraged that I can take the steps I need to better health. I feel like I really understand my body now, I'm seeing the connections, and now I have a plan on how to address my health problems. Catherine is very efficient and detailed, she takes her time to clearly explain everything. She also stresses how open she is to questions, and takes the time to connect you with great resources and educational material. I feel greatly supported. The test itself was very easy to get done. Catherine is an excellent listener and ensures you have the tools needed to improve your health. There is a lot of information to process, but she makes everything easy to understand.” (KateLynn C, Hair Analysis Client)

"I was on Catherine's mailing list for a while before taking the plunge. I wish I had done it a while ago. I'd say if you're thinking about it, do it. Catherine talks to you to find out where you are and what you want. Then she uses the data to see what is going on with you and helps you work out what to do to make things better. There is no one pill that you can take, but she shows you that through diet (and perhaps some supplements) and understanding something about what's going on with your body, you can improve different aspects. I learned so many things from my consultation! I did the hair, blood (fatty acids) and GI mapping (stool) testing and I loved how Catherine went through all of the tests at the same time and then the plan. I was able to see how all the parts went together and what I could do to help various areas using mainly food with a little supplement assistance. I really need to focus on magnesium, potassium, omega 3, balancing blood sugar and improving the environment of my gut. It was a lot to take in, but Catherine really broke it down I didn't really know what to expect from the consultation, but I was delighted with how it went. Catherine really took her time going through the different parts and then her recommendations for me. She answered all my questions as we went along and made sure I understood. She was very positive and friendly. The most important thing people should know is that Catherine really cares about the people she works with. You can tell - that is not something you can fake. She takes her time going through everything and answers all your questions patiently. She also regularly checks to see if you understand/have question. Most importantly, the plan is completely personal to you based on your data and what you have told her in your consultation and survey." (Marie D., Hair Analysis, Omega Fatty Acid Testing and GI Map Client)

"I loved the consultation. Catherine was so clear and took as much time as was needed to make sure that I understood everything. I learned where I am doing well and I learned what minerals I am low in, as well as how some supplements I was taking were throwing my mineral balance out of whack." (Amy, Hair Analysis Client)
- Find Hair Analysis sample results here.
Package includes:
What Clients Are Saying:

"For 16 years, I had wasted much time and money, seeing medical and then holistic doctors, taking thousands of dollars in supplements that I thought would make me feel better, following one diet after another and spent a lot of money on foods I thought would heal me but all in all I only continued to spiral down, until I hit rock bottom. With a list of symptoms longer than my arm, I was ready to give up on life. I had a lot of information from all my doctor visits and from all I researched, but still until I met Catherine, I was a ship lost at sea with no hope. Catherine became the rudder to my boat and helped steer me to safe harbor. During my first conversation with Catherine, (when I was inquiring about her services) I still wasn't sure if I wanted to join her program, but all the articles she had written on her website felt as though they were written about me and all of my health ailments, so I decided to give her a try. Today, I will tell you I am forever grateful and blessed that God lead me to her. Her VIP testing and consultation fees may seem high, but it's money well spent. For what she gives you, the price is actually very reasonable. Remember you are investing in your health and nothing else in life matters without good health. If you cannot afford the VIP package like I did, then start with one test to get started, then add the next as you can afford to. She is much better and different than any of the past nutritionists I have consulted with. She is not a nutritionist but a nutritional therapist which is a big difference and it shows in everything she does. Catherine does not give medical advice, but she is an incredible listener and never forgets all of my many health concerns in our discussions. As for the process, the program of videos along with consultation calls, testing review and unlimited email access is an incredible easy and thorough program. The test were all painless and easy. She is the "real deal", she does what she says she will do, a woman of integrity, I trust her wholeheartedly. She is so incredibly knowledgable about how food affects the body and mind. Catherine will walk with you hand and hand in your nutritional healing journey. She is patient and an incredibly listener. She is worth every single penny she charges and then some. Catherine is a God-send. I highly recommend her! She has changed my life for the better, and honestly the steps she gave me to make the changes, have been a "piece of cake". I can't thank her enough. I truly have been reborn both physically and mentally. Thank you Catherine!" (Linda, 3 Month Program Client)

“I was on Catherine’s mailing list for a while before taking the plunge. I wish I had done it a while ago. I’d say if you’re thinking about it, do it. Catherine talks to you to find out where you are and what you want. Then she uses the data to see what is going on with you and helps you work out what to do to make things better. There is no one pill that you can take, but she shows you that through diet (and perhaps some supplements) and understanding something about what’s going on with your body, you can improve different aspects. I learned so many things from my consultation! I did the hair, blood (fatty acids) and GI mapping (stool) testing and I loved how Catherine went through all of the tests at the same time and then the plan. I was able to see how all the parts went together and what I could do to help various areas using mainly food with a little supplement assistance. It was a lot to take in, but Catherine really broke it down. I didn’t really know what to expect from the consultation, but I was delighted with how it went. Catherine really took her time going through the different parts and then her recommendations for me. She answered all my questions as we went along and made sure I understood. She was very positive and friendly. The most important thing people should know is that Catherine really cares about the people she works with. You can tell – that is not something you can fake. She takes her time going through everything and answers all your questions patiently. She also regularly checks to see if you understand/have question. Most importantly, the plan is completely personal to you based on your data and what you have told her in your consultation and survey.” (Marie, Hair Analysis, Omega Fatty Acid Testing and GI Map Client)

"Working with Catherine is a like a breath of fresh air. I received honest feedback without judgement. Her approach is one of getting to the bottom of why something is 'off' with my body, analyzing the results of testing and applying her wealth of knowledge to provide me with doable action steps. She goes beyond the typical solution of relying only on a pharmaceutical or a supplement to understanding what's happening in my body and then deciding on a plan. Catherine explains the whole process thoroughly during the free consultation. Her training material is very informative and helpful. Even through phone meetings Catherine really seems like she cares about me and about helping me to get better. Don't hesitate, schedule a consultation today!" (Ann, Hair Analysis + Blood Labs Client)

“There is hope to feeling better! I have done everything out there to improve my health, but it has never gotten to where I feel it should be. I had a feeling it was my food choices, even though I was eating a healthy diet. It just wasn’t what my body was actually needing! What you put in is what you get out of your body. There are no quick fixes to anything, but with the right nourishment, you can set your body up for the best outcome. Catherine explains your results in a way that is easy to understand and that makes sense! Everything is super personalized which is what I appreciate most! I have been implementing her recommendations for about a week and already feel more energy. I feel like changes are happening within my body, and I’m hopeful! I learned that healthy foods I thought were good for me weren’t really what my body was asking for! I learned what foods I should be eating for my body at this time, and I feel better for it!” (Emily, Hair Analysis Client)

“I am extremely satisfied with my hair analysis consultation. I learned about the variety of minerals and relationships between them, and between them and wellness. Catherine’s the real deal — professional, personable, knowledgeable. Best thing is she isn’t about a “hook” — her philosophy is to help and disengage –being there for support if needed or wanted. As I mentioned above — Catherine is not about a revenue stream, but about truly helping. Her approach and philosophy results in confidence in you and her ability to help with my wellness journey.” (Matt, Hair Analysis Client)

“I learned how to correct my deficiencies, and how to interpret the most important parts of my results. It was great to get a tailored recommendation, rather than guessing as I’ve done so much in the past. I love the website, and it has a ton of info and really helped me to understand how she operates. So I would recommend anyone to check out her website! I also contacted Catherine with questions before I bought the test, and she kindly responded in a prompt manner. I’m super happy and can’t wait to see what will change for me. I feel like Catherine really cares about her clients, and she was very generous with her time. I also like that she is not dogmatic about what people should/shouldn’t do. She gives you recommendations and then you can pick how quickly they want to make positive changes to your health.” (Lillian, Hair Analysis Client)

"The program works for anyone who is willing to put in their best effort, of applying what you learn. So helpful to speak with the nutritionist over anything you might not understand! Through this program I discovered that I could have productive sleep again and that my energy would return. And I discovered I did not need to be dependent on medicine, food is my medicine. Thanks Catherine" -Arye M. (former client)

"My biggest challenge was bloating. It was horrible! And I couldn't figure out what was causing it. Now, I understand my triggers and don't have anywhere near the same amount. And I don't feel guilty about what I am eating because I know that it is nutritionally dense (bye bye calorie counting!) and will only make my metabolism stronger. Catherine is very accessible and open to answering your questions. She takes your concerns seriously and has good advice that actually works!" -Sabrina M. (former client)

"I am not as easily fatigued, I feel more emotionally balanced and I have learned what foods are helping to heal my gut. Catherine is a wealth of information and is able to convey all of that information in a way that people can understand and learn from." -Jill W. (former client)